Courier delivery services are widely appreciated by both business representatives and individuals who periodically have to send parcels or important documents. At the beginning of its appearance, courier delivery services mainly operated in the conditions of a city or region, but gradually good logistics were established and courier delivery became possible throughout the country, and today to all countries of the world. Courier delivery services around the world are a modern alternative to slow mail, which has become simply legendary due to its ability to confuse and lose letters and parcels.
From Country to Russia | Cost, 0.5 kg, in rubles | Terms, working days |
* - due to the unstable situation in all logistics directions, we cannot guarantee the prices indicated in the table, but we always try to find the BEST option for the client to send documents and goods. Therefore, we kindly ask you to treat these figures in an introductory manner. Thank you very much for your understanding! // Administration of TrustExpress
Among the main benefits that the client receives:
Any international delivery of parcels guarantees its customers the timely delivery of any documents and small items and high speed, which are ensured by well-established logistics and the presence of our own branches or reliable partners anywhere in the world. Today, international delivery of documents and parcels abroad takes only a few days, while customers are offered various options for combining delivery times and costs.
К сожалению, мы сможем осуществить расчёт только из Москвы
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